Are there days when you are seeing the Angel Number 1144 everywhereYou finish an unexpected and interesting conversation with a work colleague, glancing at the clock, you are surprised to see that it is 11:44am.Why is this same number sequence everywhere you look It is likely no coincidence, but rather a message from your Guardian Angels.You will know in your gut whether seeing these numbers are spiritual signs. The same forces that cause you to notice the number also touch on your spiritual senses, so that you know unconsciously what is going on. Read on to discover what spiritual message this number holds and why your angels are trying to contact you. Angel Number 1144 is a call to action, as it starts with the number 1. This is the number of new opportunities, and your personal power to shape your life through your own actions and decisions. It suggests that an opportunity is before you, but that you need to take the lead in terms of grasping it and shaping it.The number 1 leads in to the number 4, which represents the foundations of our world, and the rules by which we choose to live. It suggests that we need to respect these foundations and rules, or change them if they no longer serve.Angel number 1144 is a reminder that you can shape your own life, but that to achieve true change, you cannot just focus on what is happening in the here and now.You need to look at your foundations and ensure that they are up to the task. AmbitionControlFoundationsLeadershipPowerPromisesRootsDo you seek guidance on how to reach your ideal life What if we told you that you could see potholes before you reach themIf you are frequently seeing 1144, take this very popular and to help steer you in the right direction.